Vipava Valley Beyond Tomorrow – Closing Event of LIFEVivaCCAdapt project, 4 June 2021
Project LIFEViVaCCAdapt “Adapting to the impacts of climate change in the Vipava Valley” is about to finish. The activities within the project started on July 1, 2016. The partnership consists of Regional Development Agency ROD Ajdovščina as a coordinating beneficiary and the following five organizations from public and private sector as associated beneficiaries: Municipality of Ajdovščina, Biotechnical Faculty of University of Ljubljana, Institute for Waters of the Republic of Slovenia, BO-MO company and Hidrotehnik company.
During the period of three years we organized many workshops and other events as well as promotional videos with which we have informed you about the implementation of the activities on our project.
At the final event we aim to present measures for adapting agriculture to climate change, which enable optimal agricultural production. As part of the project, we developed a decision support system for irrigation – DSSI, revived the measure to protect land from wind erosion – green windbreaks and prepared several documents to equip users to adapt to climate change. All the three parts will increasingly interfere with the way of agricultural production in the Vipava Valley.
The project will be formally concluded on Friday, June 4, 2021 with a closing virtual ceremony. At the closing event entitled “Vipava Beyond Tomorrow – closing event of the LIFE ViVaCCAdapt project”, which will start at 9 am, we will present the three main activities / sections that represent the cohesive thread of our project. The participants of the virtual round table will then give their views and opinions on the activities carried out during the project and discuss the possibility of further development and funding.
All interested parties are kindly invited to attend the closing event, for more information we invite you to follow our Facebook event.
Register for the event at this link, where you will also receive feedback for your online registration.